Getting ahead at work requires more than doing the job you’re paid to do well. That’s because many employers view your work as more than your specific job tasks. In fact, once you’re hired, you’re on the clock 24/7, even if you actually only report to the office from 9 to 5 Monday through Friday.
Archives for October 2018
The Real Deal: Parents — This One’s for You
Hey, Parents, this Real Deal’s for you … After years of career coaching, I’d like to offer some helpful thoughts on your student’s career exploration discovery. Career exploration is research. And research is just that … Research. It’s discovery and processing and growth. There are no right or wrongs. So, do trust your parenting. Try
The Real Deal: Experience Might Be Your Greatest Career Exploration Ally
If there’s a particular career or job field you’d like to learn about, researching is certainly one way to expand your general knowledge. But there’s another method to consider that’s equally as valuable as traditional internet research. Consider asking adults — and others whose insights you value — well-thought out questions, so they can offer