Wouldn’t it be a great professional world if all managers respected the employees they supervise? Let’s face it though: Some bosses do not understand what the word “respect” means. It’s unfortunate for them that they have so much to learn about being a leader and challenging for you if that person is who you report
Four Empirically Driven Approaches to Your Career Exploration
In honor of National Careers Week in the UK, we are featuring a special blog post for teens to support and enhance your career exploration process. Feel free to frequent the blog at IMCLeaders.com for more relevant careering information! When it comes to career exploration—or completing any project, for that matter—it’s pretty well understood that
Great Leaders See Their Employees as “Teachers”
In next month’s blog post, I will focus on the all-too-common leadership pitfall of playing favorites. Here, we’ll address another common leadership trap: the notion that you’re responsible for absolute knowledge and, therefore, have nothing to learn from your direct reports. There are many benefits of looking to your employees as “teachers” who positively inform
Look For Leadership at Every Organizational Level
Surprisingly, most employees on the job look to management as the sole “owners” of leadership qualities and behavior. However, the truth is that your job title should never reflect your leadership effort and leadership can and does exist at every organizational level. Simply put, every employee, no matter where they stand on the ladder of
Thankful Thoughts This Holiday Season and Beyond
Heartfelt season’s greetings! I hope you enjoyed a nice Thanksgiving holiday—even if it might have looked a little different this year. Yes, 2020 has brought on many unforeseen challenges. But here we are . . . we’ve made it through to December, which for many of us is no small feat! For me, the year
Careering for Teens Guide How-To: Grow Leadership Skills On Social Media
In a previous blog post, I revealed ways in which students and teens could gain valuable leadership experience while still in high school. One area we discussed included social media. In this blog, we’ll examine leadership skills you can pick up using your personal social media accounts and, how social media serves as an excellent
You’ve Stayed the Course of Careering . . . Time to Celebrate YOU!
Guess what? It’s November 30th, the last day of the month and of National Career Development Month too. So, in this fifth and final piece of this five-part Careering Exploration Celebration Mini-Blog Series, the goals are twofold. First, we want to remind you that there are several great resources available to help you continue your
Stay the Careering Course . . . Step by Meaningful Step
So glad to be here with you during this career-development-focused month. It’s great to see that you’re participating! In the previous three mini-blogs of this five-part series, we’ve covered approach, mindset, and action steps—all to get you well on your way for your career exploration journey. It’s quite a lot of information up to this
Really, 2020?? Be Creative and Stay the Course Anyway!
2020—Aack! We’d all like a re-do, right?! I understand. I totally get that in your lifetime, a lot has gone on and you’ve had a lot to deal with emotionally, mentally, socially, physically. Yes, the landscape has certainly changed (albeit temporarily, hopefully). After all, a global pandemic has happened. As a result, you and all
Career Exploration Course Helps Teens, Youth Avoid Career Traps Early On
Versions of this article, entitled “Career Exploration Course Helps Teens, Youth Avoid Career Traps Early On, based on the award-winning book, by Tamara S. Raymond, ‘Careering: The Pocket Guide to Exploring Your Future Career’,” appeared this week in multiple US and global media outlets such as online business and trade publications, digital magazines, broadcast media