Without warning, you’ve lost your job. Maybe it was due to layoffs, poor job performance, or politics. Whatever the reason, you have no time to lose. You must start working on getting a new job now. Here are a few tips to help you do just that: Begin with the contacts you should have been
The Real Deal: Parents — This One’s for You
Hey, Parents, this Real Deal’s for you … After years of career coaching, I’d like to offer some helpful thoughts on your student’s career exploration discovery. Career exploration is research. And research is just that … Research. It’s discovery and processing and growth. There are no right or wrongs. So, do trust your parenting. Try
The Real Deal: Experience Might Be Your Greatest Career Exploration Ally
If there’s a particular career or job field you’d like to learn about, researching is certainly one way to expand your general knowledge. But there’s another method to consider that’s equally as valuable as traditional internet research. Consider asking adults — and others whose insights you value — well-thought out questions, so they can offer
The Realest Deal: Try, Try, Try . . . Options are a Super Plus
I’m often asked, what’s the ONE best piece of advice I could give on career exploration. And here it is: Try new things and explore new options. Whether you’ve decided you know exactly what you want to do, or have no clue where to start, try out new interests, skills, and types of work. Explore.
The Real Deal: Listen to Your Gut, Your Instinct and What You Feel
Feel a pull toward certain activities or clubs that may be different from what you’ve done in your previous high school years? Or, that others may not be used to seeing you do? Well, here’s the Real Deal … If it interests you consider this: Your gut — your instinct, intuitive sense — is a
The Real Deal: Tuning Out the “Noise” Can Be a Joy
There’s noise out there. Everywhere. A lot of noise all the time. Noise, noise, noise. You know what I’m talking about … People telling you the way things should be. Stories in the news. Things happening with your friends. And, especially with social media, you have a lot coming at you, in a constant stream
The Real Deal: We’re Humans, with Emotions . . . and That’s Perfection
More from the Real Deal Files . . . Guess what? We’re human! That means we’re not perfect. You have emotions. Sometimes situations or conversations may trigger a negative response that causes you to react in a negative way. You may even end up saying angry, unkind, or defensive things that you may regret later.
The Real Deal: Life, Learning, and the Ups & Downs
Have you ever felt like you’re facing the worst times in your school, social, or personal life? No doubt, things show up that you may not have expected, in ways you may not always be prepared for. It may feel at times like you’re on a roller coaster with its rocky ups and downs. Here’s