Easy to Follow Plan That Will Be a Useful Guide
As a parent and a teacher, I think Careering is a fabulous resource. It’s a clear, easy to follow plan that will be a useful guide for students, parents, and teachers alike. I have often struggled to guide students with respect to careers – from their perspective rather than my own – but this book is so very helpful in clearing that muddle! Wherever they are in their journey, and whether they want to jump to certain parts of the book or work through it from beginning to end, they will benefit from the clear outline (and reminders to jot down their thoughts). My favorite part of the book was the comprehensive nature of it. I like that Tamara Raymond presents options and ideas that I would not have thought of myself. Thank you for putting it all in one place
Tamara S. Raymond’s Careering should be of interest to anyone who is considering a career change
While many think that there will be time enough in college to consider a major and work towards a career, Raymond offers a number of compelling reasons why starting to formulate a career strategy while one is in high school can make a big difference in finding the job of your dreams.
High schoolers have a wealth of options open to them, such as internships, summer jobs and volunteer opportunities that can help them explore their interests without having to dedicate college time and coursework sight unseen. They should consider the benefits of amassing a wealth of relevant experience, obtaining mentors and gaining references once they’ve homed in on a career choice. Raymond gives them step-by-step guidance as they consider their options and interests.
Tamara S. Raymond’s Careering should be of interest to anyone who is considering a career change, no matter what their age or time of life. Raymond’s book is chock-full of good ideas on how to make the most of academic and online resources. I appreciated her repeated emphasis on the need for caution when applying for jobs or interacting with potential contacts online. Raymond gives an interactive feel to this guide through her technique of presenting a topic and then asking the reader guided questions to enable them to access that information in a personal way. The spaces she leaves for readers to interact are convenient, and they act as a stimulus to get people motivated to do the work then and there.
Careering shows that you don’t have to settle for a job where you’ll only work for the paycheck. There’s something out there that will keep you motivated and growing. Raymond shows you how to make it happen.
Ms. Raymond Does an Outstanding Job of Creating the Perfect Handbook
This guide is jam packed with information that answers many questions that pertain to looking for employment, applying for and being prepared for any job interview, planning ahead, applying all skills that you have acquired over the years, as well as readily identifying them as assets. Knowing how to prepare for interviews including the do’s and don’ts of how to dress, hygiene, punctuality and making sure you are not hungry or overstuffed from eating too much.
Ms. Raymond does an outstanding job of creating the perfect handbook for anyone looking for employment. This includes teenagers looking for summer jobs to even the most savvy and educated wanting to make a positive impact on a future would-be employer. Tamara has provided spaces within the pages for the reader to make notes, jot down skills, and personality traits. Anything that might give the individual an edge over the competition. Being a company supervisor, I am used to conducting interviews to determine whether the applicant is qualified, or willing to learn with a positive attitude.
Her insightful tips are spot on, from preparing and knowing how to navigate traffic and security checkpoints to making sure to keep an interview appointment. Careering: A Pocket Guide to Exploring Your Future Career is a must-have for anyone looking for that edge over the competition. Well done!
Nice to Have a Head Start
You can tell the author truly cares. I could have used this kind of care and guidance 30+ years ago! Not sure how my children will engage with it, but the workbook looks more doable than just a book, and if they even do part of what’s suggested I think they’ll be ahead in life. At least we can give them tools and encouragement, right?
Great Gift
I read this book to see if it would be a good book for my niece and nephew as they are at the end of their high school years, facing the challenges of deciding on colleges and careers. It’s not only a quick read, but a nice workbook that I think will help them gather their ideas to focus and find their passions. I also sent it to a friend who is in a challenging spot with her job and thought she may appreciate a concise read and the opportunity to learn more about the Birkman Test described in the book.
Great Things Come in Small Packages!
I love the handy pocket-size with ample space for my notes! This complete guide with easy to understand guidance and explanations about every facet of Careering, has me feeling like an expert. This is a mighty little book. And it fits in my purse or pocket! Perfect.
Short, Sweet and Sensational
Careering by Tamara Raymond is short, sweet, and sensational in so many ways. It is short enough to entice the young adult to pick it up and give it a read because what busy student has time for another book? It’s sweet that the information inside is powerful and succinct to drive home the information with minimal reading effort. Lastly, it’s sensational because it will allow the reader to feel empowered and place their career exactly where it belongs − in their own hands! Be a hero and buy a few as graduation gifts!
A Little Book Loaded with Powerful Information
Until reading Careering, I had never heard of this word. In the introduction, Tamara Raymond defines it as ‘the process of taking progressive action in pursuit of a profession or venture.’ (Page 1)
I found Careering to be packed with practical advice. For example, at the end of the introduction, Raymond writes, ‘Whatever you decide to do in the future, whether it’s to work in your ideal field or become an entrepreneur, it’s critical to do your research and explore your career options whenever possible. It’s all about putting in the work to reach your career destination. Interest, and better yes, passion is great, but action is needed for success!’ (Page 5)
Whether you want to understand the power of networking or get some valuable tips before your job interview, I highly recommend you read Careering. The insights in this book will help many readers.
Great Resource for High School Students
This book Careering: The Pocket Guide to Exploring your Future Career is a must have. The author shared her life experiences with the readers while encouraging high school students to start thinking about a potential career. The book provides tools not only for students but for anyone going for interviews taking part in internships or just trying to better understand which career is right for them. If anyone is trying to find the best career for yourself, you must be prepared to take the time to actually DO the exercises, do the thinking, make jottings and follow the steps outlined by Ms. Raymond. This book is a wonderful resource, great for students, counselors and parents. I highly recommend it for anyone looking for guidance in transitioning or finding a satisfying career.
A Must Read
This book is a ‘must-have’ for anyone ready to enter the workforce. From start to finish, Tamara Raymond provides the ultimate guide for successful career planning. The target audience is the high school student, but the contents are appropriate for anyone . . . Ms. Raymond’s writing style is easy to read and speaks directly to the reader. This is a valuable resource that should be in the home, career centers, classrooms, and libraries.