Careering Tips Quick Read and Video Short
Here’s an opportunity to discuss an important self-coaching tip and how you can use in your own life. It’s an effective approach that can really help you help yourself. It’s all about “meeting people where they are.”
In the world of career exploration, I’m asking you to meet yourself wherever YOU are. AND to recognize that it’s perfectly great to be exactly where you are—or happen to be—which could be any number of places.
Let’s begin by getting a general idea and awareness of exactly where you are—in a fun and engaging way. How? By looking at a few career-explorer behavior types! They include:
- The Procrastinator;
- The Doubter;
- The Go-Go-Go-Getter; and
- The Dazed and Confused.
We covered “The Procrastinator” and “The Doubter” in Part 1; now we’ll look at “The Go-Go-Go-Getter” and “The Dazed and Confused” in Part 2.
Perhaps you may see a bit of yourself in one or several of these explorers at various times. I know I did when I was first careering. Regardless, remember to…
- Meet yourself wherever you are;
- Acknowledge where that is; and
- Determine what to do to move forward.
We’ll address each and discuss what you can do to help yourself achieve and succeed no matter where you happen to find yourself.
Number Three – The Go-Go-Go-Getters
Maybe you have a particular career path in mind, remaining hyper-focused on that one career avenue. The trouble comes in when you may be so laser-focused on that one area, that you miss other opportunities around you. After all, a profession you may not have known or thought about, could be a dream job you missed!
TIP #1: Take time to thoroughly explore ALL your options. Your goal during exploration is to open up possibilities and opportunities for yourself. It’s definitely not to limit your potential career options.
TIP #2: Purposely and mindfully make time for your careering. The best approach is not only to look at all your options, but to make room for exploration and action as well. After all, now’s exactly the time – when you have time – to really research and explore your potential career path in greater depth.
TIP #3: Assess which options that you discover work best for you. Part of self-coaching is allowing yourself time to sit with what you discover and process the new information. By taking this step, you are best able to figure out what does and doesn’t work for you.
Number Four – The Dazed and Confused
Perhaps you don’t know where or how to start. Maybe there are so many options, you’re overwhelmed. Or you feel pulled in several career directions all at once. Who knows… you may even feel like giving up! Well, one of the greatest parts about career exploration is that it’s just THAT… exploration.
TIP #1: Know that wherever you are it’s a perfect point to start exploring. After all, you don’t know what you don’t know. Exploring your career interests and options can help you determine the impact… influence… and difference you want to make and in being contribution in your particular way.
TIP #2: The key is to pick a point – any point – and begin from there. Especially in a case like this when you’re exploring. No matter where you start your research, you’ll only benefit from any information you gather. And guess what? What you’re not interested in, can offer valuable insight as well. It can help you identify components you don’t like and can rule out. Yep, it’s the process of elimination!
TIP #3: There should be absolutely no pressure to choose ONE exact career that sticks, right out of the gate. Right now, it’s about exploring many career possibilities you’re considering. So, research and investigate however many options you’d like… in a mindful… sane… and paced manner.
Here is a bonus tip… The idea is not to make it a right-wrong or good-bad conversation. In my world, it’s all a condition of being HUMAN. Despite what you may hear, falling into any of these ‘behavior patterns’ is not about the person you are… but rather where you are at a specific time.
Know that you have at your fingertips a lot of career resources available to you. It’s all about carving out and setting aside time to research and learn. The main point to walk away with is this: no matter where you are, remember that it’s perfectly fine to start from there… and most importantly, to stay the course of careering!
Thanks for checking out this Careering Tips Quick Read and Video Short. Check out IMC’s other careering quick reads and video shorts, intended to provide you guidance wherever you may be on your career exploration journey!
This Careering Tips Quick Read and Video Short is intended to provide you guidance wherever you may be on your career exploration journey. For more great resources:
- Be sure to check out other “Career Exploration” and “Careering for Youth” blogs like this one;
- Subscribe to The IMC Leaders Channel on YouTube for the latest videos on Careering tips and techniques for young people like you on the move;
- Explore this website , learn more about me and follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest, Handle @TamaraSRaymond;