Careering Tips Quick Read and Video Short
Here’s an opportunity to discuss an important self-coaching tip and how you can use in your own life. It’s an effective approach that can really help you help yourself. It’s all about “meeting people where they are.”
In the world of career exploration, I’m asking you to meet yourself wherever YOU are. AND to recognize that it’s perfectly great to be exactly where you are—or happen to be—which could be any number of places.
Let’s begin by getting a general idea and awareness of exactly where you are—in a fun and engaging way. How? By looking at a few career-explorer behavior types! They include:
- The Procrastinator;
- The Doubter;
- The Go-Go-Go-Getter; and
- The Dazed and Confused.
We’ll cover “The Procrastinator” and “The Doubter” in Part 1; and “The Go-Go-Go-Getter” and “The Dazed and Confused” in Part 2.
Perhaps you may see a bit of yourself in one or several of these explorers at various times. I know I did when I was first careering. Regardless, remember to…
- Meet yourself wherever you are;
- Acknowledge where that is; and
- Determine what to do to move forward.
We’ll address each and discuss what you can do to help yourself achieve and succeed no matter where you happen to find yourself.
Number One – The Procrastinator.
Almost everyone has procrastinated at some point in their life over something, regardless of age. We’ve all had moments where we keep putting off completing certain tasks, or taking action on goals important to us.
Rest assured, there’s usually an underlying reason. It could stem from uncertainty, busyness or simply not being crazy about what it is you need to do.
Tip #1: Ask yourself why you may be procrastinating. For example, if you don’t like a particular task, own that you don’t like it. Then, set aside time to complete it anyway if it’s something you have to get done.
Tip #2: Celebrate tasks you’ve completed in a way you truly enjoy. Some examples include having a quick chat with a friend you’ve been wanting to call… going for a walk… sitting by your favorite nature spot… or reading the next chapter of a book you’re into. Consider what works best as your own personal celebration.
Tip #3: Recognize sometimes you may not want to complete a particular task in that moment. During these times, know that you can be just as productive doing something else instead. The key is to schedule the task sooner rather than later, while being mindful of deadlines.
Number Two – The Doubter
Having doubts is a normal part of decision-making… especially when what you’re addressing is new. Recognize that your doubts may be the reason behind any hesitation or uncertainty you may be experiencing—and that it’s ALL okay.
You can even consider them good news. In fact, think of doubts as a way we’re signaling to ourselves that we need to investigate our options further.
Tip #1: Consider why you may be having any doubts. The key is to be curious rather than judgmental about how and what you are feeling. Once you’ve acknowledged and processed what you find, with openness and curiosity, you’ll be better able to take action.
Tip #2: Remind yourself it’s absolutely fine to be where you are. Sometimes, you’ll be able to dismiss your doubts with ease. Other times, you may discover your doubts are based on valid concerns. Wherever you are, know you can adjust accordingly and/or determine your next steps. It could mean addressing concerns to move forward… OR simply putting your doubts aside to effectively navigate yourself forward.
Tip #3: Take action to reduce your doubtfulness. After processing any necessary thought-work, make your main action item researching and gathering additional information for a more informed decision… It’s a sure-fire cure to alleviate any further uncertainty, doubts or concerns!
This Careering Tips Quick Read and Video Short is intended to provide you guidance wherever you may be on your career exploration journey. For more great resources:
- Be sure to check out other “Career Exploration” and “Careering for Youth” blogs like this one;
- Subscribe to The IMC Leaders Channel on YouTube for the latest videos on Careering tips and techniques for young people like you on the move;
- Explore this website , learn more about me and follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest, Handle @TamaraSRaymond;