School year’s out and summer’s on! It’s definitely a great time to exhale, and unwind from the throes of a nonstop school year, and to spend time with family and friends. But aside from social plans, have you given any thought to including activities you enjoy, which may help advance your future, too?
Here are a few examples of what other teens have been inspired to do, based on their interests and what they enjoy doing: Interning at the local veterinarian clinic, working at a day camp as a former “alum”, training for a half-marathon with their dad, volunteering to read to elders at a nursing home, traveling to Costa Rica for a few weeks to teach English to young students, helping out as an assistant at a parent’s self-employed business, making college visits . . . Even studying for the SATs, and planning which courses to take as a freshman undergrad.
I would love to hear how you’re choosing to spend your time this summer—whether from you, or parents/guardians of these young achievers.
Balancing social fun with more purposeful activities you enjoy is a great way to engage in career exploration without even knowing it. And remember . . . How you handle things in your personal life will absolutely carry over in your professional, and career life. So, take the time to begin forging healthy habits today that will only serve you well at work and in your job!