. . . This guide is jam packed with information that answers many questions that pertain to looking for employment, applying for and being prepared for any job interview, planning ahead, applying all skills that you have acquired over the years, as well as readily identifying them as assets. Knowing how to prepare for interviews including the do’s and don’ts of how to dress, hygiene, punctuality and making sure you are not hungry or overstuffed from eating too much.
Ms. Raymond does an outstanding job of creating the perfect handbook for anyone looking for employment. This includes teenagers looking for summer jobs to even the most savvy and educated wanting to make a positive impact on a future would-be employer. Tamara has provided spaces within the pages for the reader to make notes, jot down skills, and personality traits. Anything that might give the individual an edge over the competition. Being a company supervisor, I am used to conducting interviews to determine whether the applicant is qualified, or willing to learn with a positive attitude. Her insightful tips are spot on, from preparing and knowing how to navigate traffic and security checkpoints to making sure to keep an interview appointment. Careering: A Pocket Guide to Exploring Your Future Career is a must-have for anyone looking for that edge over the competition. Well done!