While many think that there will be time enough in college to consider a major and work towards a career, Raymond offers a number of compelling reasons why starting to formulate a career strategy while one is in high school can make a big difference in finding the job of your dreams.
High schoolers have a wealth of options open to them, such as internships, summer jobs and volunteer opportunities that can help them explore their interests without having to dedicate college time and coursework sight unseen. They should consider the benefits of amassing a wealth of relevant experience, obtaining mentors and gaining references once they’ve homed in on a career choice. Raymond gives them step-by-step guidance as they consider their options and interests.
Tamara S. Raymond’s Careering should be of interest to anyone who is considering a career change, no matter what their age or time of life. Raymond’s book is chock-full of good ideas on how to make the most of academic and online resources. I appreciated her repeated emphasis on the need for caution when applying for jobs or interacting with potential contacts online. Raymond gives an interactive feel to this guide through her technique of presenting a topic and then asking the reader guided questions to enable them to access that information in a personal way. The spaces she leaves for readers to interact are convenient, and they act as a stimulus to get people motivated to do the work then and there.
Careering shows that you don’t have to settle for a job where you’ll only work for the paycheck. There’s something out there that will keep you motivated and growing. Raymond shows you how to make it happen.