Hey, Parents, this Real Deal’s for you …
After years of career coaching, I’d like to offer some helpful thoughts on your student’s career exploration discovery.
Career exploration is research. And research is just that … Research. It’s discovery and processing and growth. There are no right or wrongs.
So, do trust your parenting. Try your best not to bring your own conversations to the table. While your fears and concerns are valid, they do not have the maturity and emotional experience that you have.
Give your kids time and space to research, process … and to grow and develop during that time. Your guidance is important. And even if they don’t say it, it’s appreciated. We all have different processing times. So, give the time and space needed, so as not to create an undue stressful environment.
Sure, they may not always say what you want to hear. It doesn’t mean that what you say isn’t important and that they haven’t heard what you’ve said. The reality is, sometimes, it takes a bit to sink in; they’re doing their best to navigate a sense of healthy independence.
It should be a conversation, a discussion … Not an order, requirement, rebellion …
Communicate openly.