There’s noise out there. Everywhere. A lot of noise all the time. Noise, noise, noise. You know what I’m talking about … People telling you the way things should be. Stories in the news. Things happening with your friends. And, especially with social media, you have a lot coming at you, in a constant stream every moment of everyday.
But here’s the Real Deal …
Often, what will help you most is to stop and re-center yourself, and really reflect on what you find important …
The things you enjoy doing.
The things you’d like to do in the future.
The difference you’d like to make.
Draw, read, meditate — whatever it is that matters most to you. And, you can of course mix it up and do different things. Meditate today. Go for a run tomorrow. Draw after that. There’s no right or wrong. Only to do things that you feel are connected to who you are. And, if you feel you don’t know who you are, do things that you enjoy. Pay special attention to what it is you enjoy and why you are doing them. Be sure to do the things you like to do to stay grounded.
And remember … How you handle things in your personal life will absolutely carry over in your professional and career life. So, take the time to begin forging health habits today that will only serve you well at work and in your job!