Guess what? It’s November 30th, the last day of the month and of National Career Development Month too. So, in this fifth and final piece of this five-part Careering Exploration Celebration Mini-Blog Series, the goals are twofold.
First, we want to remind you that there are several great resources available to help you continue your career exploration efforts and careering journey beyond today. You can find a list of some of these key resources at the IMC Leaders Channel. Click here to check them out:
The second goal is also the main point of this blog: Be sure to take time for yourself during the exploration process and have fun with it.
Be self-caring—and self-loving—in your journey. If you haven’t quite completed things the way you thought and in the time you thought it would take, cut yourself some slack. Take a break from career exploration for a few days. More times than not, once you’ve had a break, you’ll be able to see with a clearer perspective and may notice things you might not have been able to before.
In fact, this blog is purposely short. Why? So, during this holiday week, you can enjoy a bit of free time in whatever you do . . . But be safe and well!
So, as you’ve been reading throughout, stay the course of careering but take a break every now and then. And especially today, celebrate all that you’ve been able to accomplish this month of career development! Thanks for taking us on this journey with you!!